
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

WWD #03 - Setting up data_gather for Tempest weather station

 I have been extracting information from my Tempest weather station (TWS) via the WeatherFlow Tempest REST api.  It involves signing up for a key from their website for your particular TWS, then sending a crafted URI with the key, and sometimes your weather station id.  There is a limitation on the number of samples you can get over time unless you sign up for a business account, but at least you can get to your own data.

To sign up for the key you log into your account at  Then select the Settings icon on the upper right hand side.  That brings up a Settings page.  Go to the bottom, there you will find a link, "Data Authorizations".  When you select that you will see a create Token button on the top right corner.  Selecting that button will create a token key that can be used with the Tempest api to get information that was sent to from your TWS.

You use the token as follows:  assume that my token is 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789098.  You can get the station information, which comes back in a JSON format by using the URI,  This will send back a JSON message similar to the following (showing a station_id of 12345 from stations[0].station_id) - 


  "stations": [
      "location_id": 12345,
      "station_id": 12345,
      "name": "My TWS Name",
      "public_name": "My TWS Name",
      "latitude": 99.99999,
      "longitude": -99.99999,
      "timezone": "America/New_York",
      "timezone_offset_minutes": -240,
      "station_meta": {
        "share_with_wf": true,
        "share_with_wu": true,
        "elevation": 78.30184936523438
      "last_modified_epoch": 1656712447,
      "created_epoch": 1630250472,
      "devices": [ ...

To get a sample, probably once every 1.0 minutes max, you would use a URI, This will send back a JSON message similar to the one above, with the latest observation from your TWS under obs[0].

I will be prototyping this using an http request node within the data_gather container written in node-red.  I am going to push this to the MQTT server as a /weather/TWS/observation topic.  I am however going to reduce the number of items sent.