
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Edgerouter-12 setup for isolated Home-Assistant and IOT vlan

 Here is the cli firewall setup that I decided to use on my Edgerouter-12 (ER-12) to isolate the vlan for my home-assistant and IOT equipment.  This equipment is setup to work within my local network.  You still need a DHCP service defined on the ER-12, unless it comes from an external source.  The basics are:

  1. the HA-IOT are allowed to access the internet, they need this to connect to the Wyze servers
  2. the HA-IOT can access each other on the vlan
  3. the HA-IOT can be accessed by specific laptops located on different vlans
  4. the HA-IOT are not allowed to modify configuration on the Edgerouter-12 but can get their DNS and DHCP services from the ER-12
  5. the HA-IOT are not allowed to access any other vlan on the ER-12
  6. other specific vlans are allowed to access the home-assistant server at the 8123 port (not implemented yet)

First we need a Group of addresses for the RFC-1918 private addresses, control laptops, printer, and the HA-IOT vlan addresses:

set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP description 'RFC-1918 Group'
set firewall group address-group CONTROL_LAPTOP address <control_laptop_1_IP>
set firewall group address-group CONTROL_LAPTOP address <control_laptop_2_IP>
set firewall group address-group CONTROL_LAPTOP description 'Laptop used for Admin on Network'
set firewall group address-group PRINTER address <printer_IP>
set firewall group address-group PRINTER description 'Printer IP on Network'
set firewall group network-group HA-IOT_GROUP description 'ip addresses in HA-IOT vlan'
set firewall group network-group HA-IOT_GROUP network <HA-IOT_vlan_address_range>/24

Next we need a vif off of switch0 for our vlan:

set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> address <router_address_on_HA-IOT_vlan>/24
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> description HA-IOT
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> firewall in name HA-IOT_IN
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> firewall local name HA-IOT_LOCAL
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> firewall out name HA-IOT_OUT
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <HA-IOT_vlan_tag> ip enable-proxy-arp

The rules for traffic from our HA-IOT vlan to the ER-12 [HA-IOT_IN]:

set firewall name HA-IOT_IN default-action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN description 'Guest In'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 action reject
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 description 'allow printer'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 destination group address-group PRINTER
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 30 source group address-group CONTROL_LAPTOP
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 40 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 40 description 'accept HA-IOT traffic'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 40 destination group network-group HA-IOT_GROUP
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 40 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 40 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 50 action drop
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 50 description 'Block RFC-1918 Traffic'
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 50 destination group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 50 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_IN rule 50 protocol all

The rules for traffic from our HA-IOT vlan to the ER-12 itself (DNS, DHCP, other services) [HA-IOT_LOCAL]:

set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL default-action drop
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL description 'Guest Local'
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 action reject
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 description 'Allow DHCP'
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 destination port 67
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 protocol udp
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 30 source port 68
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 40 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 40 description 'Allow DNS'
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 40 destination port 53
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 40 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_LOCAL rule 40 protocol tcp_udp

The rules for traffic from the ER-12 to our HA-IOT vlan [HA-IOT_OUT]:

set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT default-action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT description 'Guest Out'
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 action reject
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 40 action accept
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 40 description 'accept HA-IOT traffic'
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 40 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 40 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 40 source group network-group HA-IOT_GROUP
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 50 action drop
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 50 description 'Drop Non-Guest Traffic'
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 50 log disable
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 50 protocol all
set firewall name HA-IOT_OUT rule 50 source group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP

Edgerouter-12 setup for completely isolated camera vlan

 Here is the cli firewall setup that I decided to use on my Edgerouter-12 (ER-12) to isolate the vlan for my cameras.  You still need a DHCP service defined on the ER-12, unless it comes from an external source.  The basics are:

  1. the cameras are allowed to access the internet, they need this to connect to the Wyze servers
  2. the cameras cannot access each other on the vlan
  3. the cameras are not allowed to modify configuration on the Edgerouter-12 but can get their DNS and DHCP services from the ER-12
  4. the cameras are not allowed to access any other vlan on the ER-12
  5. this ruleset is patterned after a normal Guest vlan with limited access

First we need a Group of addresses for the RFC-1918 private addresses:

set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP address
set firewall group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP description 'RFC-1918 Group'

Next we need a vif off of switch0 for our vlan:

set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> address <router_address_on_camera_vlan>/24
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> description Cameras
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> firewall in name CAMERA_IN
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> firewall local name CAMERA_LOCAL
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> firewall out name CAMERA_OUT
set interfaces switch switch0 vif <camera_vlan_tag> ip enable-proxy-arp

The rules for traffic from our camera vlan to the ER-12 [CAMERA_IN]:

set firewall name CAMERA_IN default-action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_IN description 'Guest In'
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 action reject
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 30 action drop
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 30 description 'Block RFC-1918 Traffic'
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 30 destination group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 30 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_IN rule 30 protocol all

The rules for traffic from our camera vlan to the ER-12 itself (DNS, DHCP, other services) [CAMERA_LOCAL]:

set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL default-action drop
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL description 'Guest Local'
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 action reject
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 description 'Allow DHCP'
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 destination port 67
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 protocol udp
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 30 source port 68
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 40 action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 40 description 'Allow DNS'
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 40 destination port 53
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 40 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_LOCAL rule 40 protocol tcp_udp

The rules for traffic from the ER-12 to our camera vlan [CAMERA_OUT]:

set firewall name CAMERA_OUT default-action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT description 'Guest Out'
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 action accept
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 description 'accept established and related'
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 state established enable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 state invalid disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 10 state related enable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 action reject
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 description 'reject invalid packets'
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 state established disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 state invalid enable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 state new disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 20 state related disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 30 action drop
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 30 description 'Drop Non-Guest Traffic'
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 30 log disable
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 30 protocol all
set firewall name CAMERA_OUT rule 30 source group address-group RFC-1918_GROUP

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Thinking of making the IOT network self contained

 It occurred to me that at some time in the future, I might have problems with my network again.  But this time I will probably be more dependent on the elements of the network since I am highly dependent on the router providing DHCP IP addresses and the WAP providing the wifi connection for other elements that require support.  I now think it would be wise to be able to isolate my HA-IOT network from the other part of my network, and still be able to have it work if things happen.  Since I use an Atom based computer for the Home-assistant and MQTT base, I might be able to use that to provide both a WAP and a DHCP/DNS server for the network.  If I do that the wifi port can provide connection for the wifi components, the z-wave adapter for the z-wave components, and if the DHCP/DNS server extends to the HA-IOT vlan as it's control, I don't have to depend upon the router to give me those elements.  If I go on a trip, I can cut off everything else and still have the HA-IOT network working as it needs to be.  Since it is on an UPS, it won't be going down anytime soon.  I just have to figure out how to accomplish this on the Atom processor.

Update: over the weekend 1/9 - 10/2021, I modified the HA-IOT vlan to be completely isolated from other vlans, but at the same time able to communicate within the vlan itself.  It is also isolated from modifying the router or any other switch component in the network.  I am also thinking of changing the bandwidth to the internet to something that is below video capability.  My cameras are on a separate vlan which is isolated from everything due to their nature of using an external server.

Looking at alternatives for the IP Power Strip project

 I have recently discovered the whole Tasmota thing.  It occurred because I finally started setting up some Sonoff switches and Shelly pucks for use with my HA-IOT server.  When I finally pushed the first Tasmota load to a Sonoff switch and set it up as an extension cord.  When I went to Node Red and started controlling the switch, a lot of lights went on in my head.  

Up to this point I have been concentrating on the IP Power Strip as something being controlled by a Raspberry Pi.  Now, I don't need that.  I did however discover that China is going out of their way to prevent the Tasmota from being installed on their products, so OTA changes cannot occur.  They are interested in these products coming under their ecosystem and no other.  I discovered that with a Geeni smart power strip which I was unable to update from an OTA Tasmota push.  I have not at this point, looked into a physical connection with my development system.  I am pretty sure that the initial load onto this device will have had to be done by a physical connection.  I might have to unsolder something to do it.

This change has opened a whole different aspect to getting lights on and off.  I am anxious to get the Shelly pucks to work in my light switches.  As long as I have enough IP address space I should be good.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

IP Power Strip #06 - Strikedown in a Docker Container

 It occurs to me that the optimal way to implement the strikedown function is to have it in a Docker container.  I was able to locate a Python project from GitHub that does describe a method for launching such a shutdown sequence in a process and alludes to a Docker Container implementation:




The docker-compose file is especially relevant since it implies a docker container can be built from scratch.  I also note that this implementation requires access to python3-dbus, python3-gi, and python3-paho-mqtt which I believe are all lower level routines.  I will have to implement this container to determine if it meets my needs.