
Friday, June 28, 2013

Setting Up a Bluetooth Audio Server on the Raspberry Pi

I kind of got interested in Bluetooth yesterday and what I might be able to do with it and my iPhone. I thought that I might start with an audio server since there were a number of articles on how to set this up. This is a real quick and dirty setup. So my hardware consists of:

- Raspberry Pi
- Powersupply and powered hub
- IOGear GBU521 bluetooth USB adapter
- Sabrent USB-SBCV audio adapter

I merged instructions from three locations: topic.php?f=35&t=26685

Bluetooth setup steps

1. do the usual "sudo raspi-config" to ensure that the defaults are set up right on the RPi
2. sudo apt-get update
3. install the Bluetooth audio related packages with "sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez-utils blueman pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth alsa-base alsa-utils pavucontrol"
4. note, lots of things installed here including printer drivers (bluetooth printing interface)
5. edits according to the article
6. plug in IOGear GBU521 bluetooth usb adapter, reboot
7. run bluetooth manager from control panel, sync up iPhone and RPi
8. setup loopback according to the article
9. play a tune from the iPhone, works!

Now I need to set up the Sabrent USB-SBCV audio adapter for better sound quality. I am looking at for some inspiration.

More Later.