
Friday, September 18, 2015

SynthBoost Project #3 - Working Multiple Use Cases

I have been working on getting a work router ready for use with an RPi. The idea is to have two wifi adapters and make use of the Ethernet port. One of the wifi adapters (work subnet) connects to my work network and the second (home1 subnet) provides a wifi access point. The Ethernet port is used to provide a different subnet (home2 subnet) separate from the home1 subnet but still connecting through the work subnet. The home1 subnet provides a web server providing various setup functions. The home2 subnet is used to provide a wireless capability to a laptop. I have the work and home1 subnet so set up and am almost able to use the Ethernet port with the home2 subnet.  I am currently having issues with being able to separate out the two homex subnets.  I currently use hostapd and isc-dhcp-server for dhcp ip address resolution.

I am going to make use of the web server through a 7" tablet for the midi functions. The tablet will be used to provide a touch capability to select and control different capabilities.

More Later.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Project #9 - Change Over the Media Components from Verizon to TiVo to Reduce Costs

The charge that I am getting from Verizon has been ever increasing.  No matter what I try Verizon keeps nickle and dimeing me to get more and more money.  I am tired and I now want to convert everything over in a move to someday go completely "Cut the Cable."

Monday, September 14, 2015

SynthBoost Project #2 - A Midi Router - Translator - Patcher

It occurred to me that I might be approaching the SynthBoost project the wrong way.  I have been exploring the possibility of augmenting my DW-8000 synthesizer with a Raspberry Pi to do various new things.  But what I think I really want is something in the middle that performs a whole bunch of functions.  If I use the RPi as a midi router, then I might have a better shot at success.  I have thoughts about setting up my equipment as shown in the following diagram:

In order to do this I would need the Raspberry Pi to act as a midi-router.  First of all I wanted to see if plugging in the 4x4 midi switch and the iRig would show up separately.  In order to see if the new iRig Pads would work on the RPi, I ran a python program after plugging the USB cable into one of the ports.


for id in range(pygame.midi.get_count()):
print pygame.midi.get_device_info(id)

This gave me the following sequence:

('ALSA', 'Midi Through Port-0', 0, 1, 0)
('ALSA', 'Midi Through Port-0', 1, 0, 0)
('ALSA', 'iRig PADS MIDI 1', 0, 1, 0)
('ALSA', 'iRig PADS MIDI 1', 1, 0, 0)

This tells me that it is possible to interface to the iRig Pads device from my Raspberry Pi.  This shows that the ALSA is capable of accessing the midi interfaces.  When I plugged in the 4x4 midi switch and the 1x1 midi adapter, the items also showed up after running this same python program.  Now I am in a better position to figure out a solution.  I have been looking a a number of software solutions, most notably mididings.  Mididings is python based and uses the ALSA and JACK to its advantage.  I have not setup mididings on the RPi yet, but I hope to do that this week.

More information later.