Ok, I have started implementing and testing the serial interface to the Arduino. So far, I have coded the following sequences:
(1) 1/1/pinNumber/analogRate - to write an analog rate to a specific pin
(2) 1/2/pinNumber/digitalState - to write a digital state to a specific pin
(3) 2/1/pinNumber - to read an analog value from a specific pin (via serial)
(4) 2/2/pinNumber - to read the digital state from a specific pin (via serial)
(5) 3/1/servoPin - to read the current pose of a servo from a specific pin (not active)
(6) 3/2/servoPin/servoPose - to write a pose to a servo on a specific pin (not active)
(7) 3/3/servoPin - to detach a servo on a specific pin (not active)
(8) 3/4/servoNumber - to read the pose on a specific servo channel on the maestro
(9) 3/5/servoNumber/servoPWM - to set the pwm pose on a specific servo channel on the maestro
(10) 4/1/lowSweepIR/highSweepIR/speedSweepIR -
At first I had some problems trying to get servos to react. I noticed that the servos were not zeroing at the beginning of the loop. It turns out that my connection to the mini-maestro was not working. After re-seating the connection everything started working correctly.
First test was the 3/5/servoNumber/servoPWM - worked correctly on two different servos (0 - for the Ultrasonic distance sensor, 6 - for the IR distance sensor). I added some instrumentation via the LCD Panel and was able to see what the command was being interpreted as. Servos moved, although there was a delay (I do have a one second feed in there).
Second test was to get the 3/4/servoNumber to work - although I could get some return values, they were not what I was expecting. Need to do a little more homework on return values from the maestro and how I am able to read that through a serial interface. I am getting absolutely nothing back from the Mini-Maestro. I am even using code that I know works with the device (according to websites that have the listings).
Update: Am I up against a hardware problem? If so, what is the least expensive way of implementing what I want. Should I go back to the SSC-32? The resolution in the analog domain was not that great, however, I am no longer using the Maestro to read the values from the IR or Ultrasonic distance sensors.