I was able to find a set of commands to reset the database at https://dradisframework.com/ce/documentation/reset.html. I found out that using the following command
"bundle exec thor dradis:reset"
while in the Kali Linux directory /usr/lib/dradis, I could reset everything and have a backup of what I had put into the archive. So this led to a plan to keep things separate; I just have to remember to output a report of my findings before separating items out. The sequence of steps is as follows:
- reset the database with "bundle exec thor dradis:reset" in the /usr/lib/dradis directory; note the backup file in a README file in the /usr/lib/dradis directory, what it contains and the date.
- change the .xml file that is used for initial project setup
- create a new project using the .xml file
- do what you do; take notes, add attachments, etc.
- perform periodic backups of the data, in case of system failure
- when complete, or at various times during the note taking, put out a report
- finish up with a database reset (#1 above) and start over
I may come back and update this information later.