
Saturday, October 30, 2021

New Direction - Moving into a Retirement Home

 The more things stay the same, the more they change.  We have recently decided to move into a retirement community near us and have placed a hold on one of the apartments there.  This means a drastic reduction in my home network and what I am able to take with me to the new home.  At this point we are still in the planning stages, but I will be downsizing considerably.  I am not sure what this will mean to all of the activities that I have been involved with over the past several years.

I do know that there is a dramatic difference in networking capabilities where I am moving to versus what I enjoy doing at the moment.  Rest assured, I will be taking my HomeLab with me to the new digs along with a bunch of the electronic gear that I have accumulated over the past several years.  It doesn't make sense to take all of it however.  I have resigned myself to only taking one rack worth of equipment plus four large plastic tubs full of other material.  I have talked myself into this spartan arrangement for any future endeavors.  Where I am going has a lot of activities that will take up my time, and I hope to be able to continue blogging with a purpose.