Now that I have the Tempest Weather Station online, albeit without pushing the data to an official source, it seems strange that I am constantly losing DNS resolving. The retirement community network uses and as the DNS servers. I seem to lose connection to the DNS servers after about a day and a half. This could be due to several things like pushing too much information out over the resident vlan or not having sufficient TLS connection credentials. I am not sure at this point.
The first item, pushing too much information out, might be the likely culprit since the network setup might think that this is a spamming engine. I will likely have to call IT to find out. This would involve some sort of QoS with the UDP output from the Tempest Hub.
The second item, not having sufficient TLS connection credentials, is quite possible since the and both require a DNSSec connection (I think). I will have to investigate further.
Update: I have noticed that the TCL TV occasionally reconnects, so it appears that I have an issue with WiFi in general. I am now connecting the Tempest Weather Station to the apartment WiFi system without going through my rack. I will rely on extracting information from it across the internet using API calls now.