I can look at my network as being in three pieces: Front of Network (FON), Middle of Network (MON), and Back of Network (BON). Really the breakup (and notes on failure) is as follows:
- middle of network (MON): RPi1/SW118 -> AV2000 -> power wires -> AV2000 -> SW116/RPi2
- power might go out; UPS would only last for a few minutes; how would this be logged?
- power hicup might cause AV2000 to break connection and have to be reset - how would I know this?
- front of network (FON): FLINT / SLATE / media equip.
- FON might go down if FLINT / SLATE are not connected
- possible that FLINT or SLATE might not be connected but other one is
- moving some vlans for fall over to FLINT / SLATE might help
- power might go out; UPS would only last for a few minutes
- back of network (BON): Laptop / Rack / monitor / table experiments / printer
- rack is on its own UPS; power failure should cause rack to turn itself off - how would this be logged?
- Laptop is on same UPS as MON; but could remove and work independently, monitor would not be useful
- RPi1: could be used to monitor FON and part of MON
- would be in charge of logging and notification
- could monitor network condition in living room
- RPi2: could be used to monitor part of MON and BON
- would be in charge of logging and notification
- could monitor network condition in back bedroom
This seems like a reasonable approach to being able to increase my redundancy / monitoring as a necessary component of the network.