I have been musing about projects for a while now. I should buckle down and complete some. I have been thinking of some new projects to spend time on:
(1) My Buffalo router (running DD-WRT) is currently being used as a Wireless Access Port. I would like to have this router changed over to OpenWRT and make it the incoming router for the home network. In addition, since the router has a USB port, and I can add a USB drive, I would like to take advantage of the forked-daapd addin which would turn the router into an iTunes network audio server.
(2) Configure a desktop system to plug into my TV downstairs to serve as an HDHomeRun Prime client, probably Windows 7 WMC or Ubuntu running MythTV. The difficulty with this approach is that there is no easy remote control for the set without investing in some IR based control.
(3) Get a Raspberry PI and configure it to run a Plex client and maybe later on get it to run as an HDHomeRun Prime client.
(4) Run two to three virtual lans through the house to separate out the media related services from the day-to-day internet usage on laptops and iOS devices.
Sounds like a challenge.