
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oops - Operator Error - Did Not Look at Examples

Over the weekend, I changed out the software on the router coming into my house. I was able to get Internet access working for all of the units in my house but was not able to get my VPN working correctly. I tried all kinds of things including restarting the router, restarting the VPN server, checking wires, etc. It wasn't until this morning that I figured it out.

In the setup for Port Forwarding, there was a entry in each port field asking for the source network. I just assumed that it meant WAN if I wanted the Internet. The field was there to limit the IP addresses to a certain range of values, not the overall VLAN name. It sometimes pays to look at the help files. In this case, nowhere in the documentation does it tell you that is what the field is for; glad I now know.

I updated the software to set up some VLANs running through the house and keep certain flows like TV STB flows from interacting with Wireless traffic and personal computer traffic.

Now I am onto getting the VLANs working

- LW