Ok, looks like I now have the Raspberry Pi up and running. I currently have had the RPi running for over two days now and everything seems to be running smoothly. As you can see in the following picture, I have it running, with the USB connections going through a powered hub. In addition, I have the ethernet plugged in and a second USB to ethernet connector plugged into the same powered usb hub. The display shows a couple of xterminal windows and the backdrop of the RPi logo. I haven't really explored all of the ins and outs yet.
I have added a VNC server so that I can pull up the screen from anywhere, including outside the house through a vpn connection. Technology is great, you get to experiment and do things when you want to do them.
I have the current SD load on a 16GB card. I felt that I needed to have something a bit bigger in case that I get really inventive and want to load a whole bunch of crap on the card. Right now the big focus is to be able to cross compile the operating system to where I want it to be. The steps are as follows:
1. install an Ubuntu VM running on Fusion under my Mac Mini
2. install the cross compiler and associated tools onto the Ubuntu VM
3. get the linux source for the operating system from the Raspberry Pi git repository
4. compile the thing
5. move the compiled load onto the Mac Mini
6. transfer the compiled load onto a new 16GB SD card
That is what I plan on doing over the next couple of days. Wish me luck.
-- LW