- It should be made from RGB leds so that the color can be manipulated on each individual led by itself
- The circuitry controlling the leds should be self contained
- Minimize the power required to drive the cube
- Minimize the interface to the circuitry that controls the LEDs to cut down on setup of lines and the overhead involved
- Possibly use an I2C interface to the circuitry to simplify control
- Build the cube in such a way that the circuitry could be modified to be bigger if needed
This is a blog mostly about techie things, what I am doing to my apartment network on the cheap, IOT, 3D Printing, Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, ESP32, ESP8266, Home Automation, Personal Weather Stations, Things That Go Bump in the Night, and some side issues that need discussing. Remember, sometimes the journey to an end is as much fun as the goal achieved!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Working on a Design for an LED Cube
I have started considering what it would take to build an LED Cube. I originally thought of a 5x5x5, but now am considering a cube as big as 8x8x8. This provides a little more resolution in each direction; which is not a bad thing for putting up characters instead of patterns. What will I do with it? I was thinking of an art object but technical in nature. Besides, what I really want to do is exercise my creativity with electronics and software. That being said the following come to mind:
LED Cube