
Friday, July 5, 2013

Got the first Proto working through the RPi

After getting the hardware put together for the 4x4 test slice, I was able to cobble together a test program in Python. Not a real spectacular test but it does run through 7 colors and each level. The results are as shown in this video:

First test of 4x4 slice

Strangely enough, it looks like there will be some timing issues that I will have to deal with.  The python programming on the RPi does not seem to control the MCP23017s very fast.  I was able to get about a 1.6 msec response time w/o sleep between each change that was made before I started changing out everything.  This may be due to python being more of an interpreted language than a compiled one.  In any case, my next step will be to look into individual addressing of the LEDs and how I will accomplish what I need to do.  I gotta think in terms of a video or movie, frame by frame, to get animation.  More later.