
Friday, September 6, 2013

Reworking Some Ideas on the RGB LED Cube

I have not been working on the LED Cube for a while.  Now that I am back to thinking about it, I want to redefine the interfaces from the Raspberry Pi.  I was thinking that a good way of doing this would be to interface to the LED Cube through an Arduino.  I could re-purpose an Arduino to be an I2C device coming in with additional I2C busses going out.  The repetitive nature of flashing the LEDs is ideal for the Arduino.  I could have the RPi formulate the 3D nature of the data points at each phase and have the Arduino take care of displaying the 3D points in the LED Cube.  So the RPi would calculate what should be displayed, relay that to the Arduino, tell the Arduino to start displaying the new 3D point set, and while the Arduino switches to the new data set, the RPi would be busy calculating a different 3D point set.  The nature of our eyesight is that we need to have things change at roughly 1/24 of a second (frame rate) to visualize motion.  That should be easily attainable with the Arduino.  The RPi is better suited to gather other pieces of information.