Well work activities, dealing with CEH training and the cert test in two weeks, and other things has prevented me from really stepping up to the plate on the RPi Portable idea. But to get back to the overall plan on this, I have looked at the power through the system. The portable looks like the following (not updated from last time):
I have looked at the power lead outs and it looks like a DPDT toggle switch and one 14 position terminal block (I have a 12 position which will have to do) will be able to suit my needs to power everything from either the wall wart or via the battery which is encased with the RPi Portable. The DPDT will be able to choose the 1.0 amp or 2.1 amp lines from either the wall wart or the battery, and if it has a center off, will be able to act as an on-off switch as well. What I will need to do is cut up some perfectly good USB cables to make this work. The cables will end up having a USB plug on one end, and pigtail leads at the other. I just have to make sure that the data leads are not used in the setup. So the power circuit should look like the following diagram:
Notice that I have pulled the power out to the board sides for the wall wart. I have also included a power out to the side for charging the battery. In addition, I have added a board (breadboard) connection so that I can do experiments with this setup as well. All of the internal connections, except for the DPDT switch can be done with cut USB cables. It also only requires a 12 position terminal strip. The high side (2.1 amp connection) goes to the hub and breadboard. The low side (1.0 amp connection) goes to the RPi and LCD screen. All grounds are tied together. Black lines are ground and red lines are 5 volt power lines.