
Friday, December 12, 2014

Stupid RPi Tip #5 - Conversion of SD Cards

I was able to convert an SD card from an RPi B (my work MediaPi) to a micro-SD card for an RPi B+.  I had gone through the trouble of putting some drivers on the regular 8GB SD card and I didn't want to lose the configurations that had already been done when converting over to an RPi B+.  The key to all of this was the use of Win32 Disk Imager and raspi-config.  The normal use of the Win32 Disk Imager is explained below:

Using Win32 Disk Imager
*** extracting an image file from an SD card ***
-- launch Win32 Disk Imager
-- load SD card
-- switch dropdown on right to the SD card that was loaded
-- select the file folder icon
--- go to the directory that you want and set a file name <filename>.img
--- click OK
-- you should see the location for the image file filled in, and Device being SD card
-- click on the Read button
-- when the file is finished, exit the program
-- you now have an image file of the SD card

*** pushing an image file to an SD card ***
-- launch Win32 Disk Imager
-- load SD card
-- switch dropdown on right to the SD card that was loaded
-- select the file folder icon
--- go to the directory with the image file, select it
--- click OK
-- you should see the location for the image file filled in, and Device being SD card
-- click on the Write button
-- when the file is finished writing to the SD card, exit the program
-- you now have an SD card with the image written on it

I followed the directions above marked "extracting an image file from an SD card" with the 8GB SD card to make an image.  I then followed the "pushing an image file to an SD card" with the 16GB micro-SD card to copy that image.  Once the RPi B+ system booted up, I then used raspi-config to expand the image to fill the entire micro-SD.  Problem solved - now back to troubleshooting.  I think I am now going to work on an SSH tunnel back to my house.