
Friday, May 29, 2015

Thinking of Setting Up an OpenVPN Server with 1-Port Capability for External Connections

I was thinking back to the 1-Port router idea and now I am thinking of adding an OpenVPN to the mix.  I could have an encryption key on both sides of the connection to give my setup a little extra protection.  So that would mean: (1) have an RPi running an OpenVPN server (allowing connection from the outside); (2) have a second RPi running an OpenVPN client/OpenWRT; and (3) let a connection go through the second RPi to my WorkNet Guest wireless to my home network.

I could have most of the ideas that I have come up with resident in this setup.  In addition, I would still like to have a selection switch that would give me some different options, like TOR, w/wo OpenVPN, etc.  The bubble chart would look like: