So I have bought a 16 port Netgear GS116E Switch to use in the place of the TP-Link switch that didn't give me what I wanted. Since the user interface was similar, I had no difficulty in setting up the vlan ports on the GS116E the exact same way as the 8 port GS108T. The footprint is slightly larger in width than the GS108T but seems to be able to fit in the space that I have. I will need to move some mounting screws higher in order to have enough room over the power outlet to put cables. There might be some additional things that I can do like mount it lengthwise to remove that limitation. I need to further investigate.
I have not put the switch into position yet and I will report back this weekend as to how it went. I am crossing my fingers that it comes off without a hitch since my media is flowing through it.
Update: the GS116E switch is in place of the GS108T switch and I couldn't be happier with its performance. Install went without a hitch and by simply rebooting devices around it all connections are working flawlessly. Good job Netgear! This was way better than my experience with the TP-Link switch.