As usual, I am here after a long period of time without completion of my project. During my time away from my little projects, it occurred to me that I might have a problem with the way that I was doing this project. I had a workable solution, bread-boarded part of it and connected the raspberry pi to it, putting a simple python program onto it and exercising the 8-channel relay. After checking things out, I started putting the elements together and soldering them to a perma-proto board from Adafruit. Sure enough, when I started soldering the 24 pin chips onto a breadboard I ended up smoking them. I found myself completely unable to switch the 8-channel relay at this point.
At this point I started rethinking my approach to development. Even though I had plenty of Raspberry Pis to go around, I started thinking about other solutions. In my network, I have a vlan specific to Experimenting. I also have a bunch of switches that allow me to setup links all over the house. It occurred to me that maybe I could use an ESP8266 NodeMCU chip to receive commands and cause the switching to occur. That way, I could use a Raspberry Pi to do the commands. I could also simply print each of the boxes and tailor them to my circuitry. So that is where I am at.