From the point of getting NodeRed to run, I ran several tests to figure out how to publish mqtt messages that could be sent to my home-assistant server. Since there are three buttons on the clicker for testing, here are the flows that I used:
This is a blog mostly about techie things, what I am doing to my apartment network on the cheap, IOT, 3D Printing, Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, ESP32, ESP8266, Home Automation, Personal Weather Stations, Things That Go Bump in the Night, and some side issues that need discussing. Remember, sometimes the journey to an end is as much fun as the goal achieved!
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
HomeLink HA Interface #7 - altered way to put NodeRed and setup interface
I was having difficulties with getting the docker version of node-red to do what I wanted to do with the Raspberry Pi. It seems like I wasn't able to update Node.js and the docker repository wasn't helping. So I decided to abandon the docker version of node-red, but keep docker, run node-red natively, and set it up to command the interface to send MQTT topics to my Home-Assistant server.
-- remove the docker-compose elements
sudo docker-compose down -rmi all
The preceding command not only stops all containers setup using docker-compose, but it removes the images after stopping the process.
Now that I have accomplished this, I move to install NodeRed on the Raspberry Pi natively.
-- install nodered, node.js
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git
bash <(curl -sL
This did manage to take a long time due to this being an RPi Zero.
-- remove the docker-compose elements
sudo docker-compose down -rmi all
The preceding command not only stops all containers setup using docker-compose, but it removes the images after stopping the process.
Now that I have accomplished this, I move to install NodeRed on the Raspberry Pi natively.
-- install nodered, node.js
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git
bash <(curl -sL
This did manage to take a long time due to this being an RPi Zero.
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