I was having difficulties with getting the docker version of node-red to do what I wanted to do with the Raspberry Pi. It seems like I wasn't able to update Node.js and the docker repository wasn't helping. So I decided to abandon the docker version of node-red, but keep docker, run node-red natively, and set it up to command the interface to send MQTT topics to my Home-Assistant server.
-- remove the docker-compose elements
sudo docker-compose down -rmi all
The preceding command not only stops all containers setup using docker-compose, but it removes the images after stopping the process.
Now that I have accomplished this, I move to install NodeRed on the Raspberry Pi natively.
-- install nodered, node.js
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git
bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)
This did manage to take a long time due to this being an RPi Zero.