I decided to update my IOT network, by updating all of my Docker containers. In doing so, I encountered an unusual problem with connecting Node Red to my Home-Assistant container. This was from several containers. Normally, I would be using the simple username password authentication, but now that authentication mechanism is not working at all. Interestingly enough, part of the problem shows up with the Node Red extension that connects to HA via websockets. I can no longer set the Home Assistant server or any of the authentication mechanisms associated with it. In fact, it now shows up as a simple text box to enter the server's name. But that does no good because I cannot specify what IP, port, or authentication mechanism that I want to use. I am not sure of how to fix this issue.
Update (2020-10-08): I put the Node Red container on a Raspberry Pi, completely away from the Home -Assistant container and I was able to get Node Red to connect. Now I have to figure out what has happened to my Node Red container on the HA-IOT Server.