As I sit here, now retired, I have been going over what components my network has and how I want to continue on with this HomeLab hobby. Whether I want to admit it or not I have decided that making changes to this network is a sort of hobby in and of itself. I enjoy trying out new things and making changes here and there to better how I use the network. Since I am now retired, I have time to do things that I have been putting off in the network, i.e. to completion. Currently I have a number of home network things that I want to incorporate, such as:
- Cover the entire house with wifi
- Bring in a Kanban board to be hosted on my HomeLab, instead of relying on Trello
- Make the Kanban board accessible from the outside by incorporating a VPN into the house
- Further isolate different portions of the network that do not need to be touching each other
- Have some built in redundancy in case things go south in the network
- Work up the security on the HomeLab, including isolation of an Admin vlan for the infrastructure
- Incorporate more Raspberry Pi units into the HomeLab that are on continuously
- Get back into Home Automation
- Get into CI/CD for developing software on the HomeLab
- Go with the Zero Trust Network theme throughout (encryption becomes important now)
These items will of course take time over the next few months and years to come. I am reasonably happy with how things have turned out so far.