I have discovered that the WiFi is now stopping on a regular basis in my apartment. I have no control over it but I would like to set things up so that I don’t have as many issues in what is available. I have moved the Tempest Weather Station to the Portal SSID so that it has the most connectivity that it can get without being connected to the equipment in my rack. I am also going to take down the UniFi AP AC Pro so that it doesn’t add to the interference in the apartment. Perhaps removing this source will help with the overall speed of the WiFi in my apartment. The problem with this is that I am using the UniFi to connect to the Tasmota switches. I need something to do this with. It occurred to me that I might use one of the RPi Zero Ws that I have to make up an isolated network within the rack. If I keep the power level low enough, I should not cause interference outside of the rack. Note, I do not have control over what the WiFi does or does not do.
I am also setting up an active/passive WiFi checker within the apartment so that I can get some data with which to analyze what might the problem be.
Update: I have found 25 APs for the complex included in 832 devices just in 45 minutes. There is ample amount of WiFi packets that could potentially cause issues, especially if they are on the cusp of the signal. Further research is warranted.