
Saturday, December 7, 2024

State of the Network in December 2024

So I have not been blogging about my network for some time.  I have been busy at the end of the year with other things including family and my newfound hobby of genealogy,  I am also adding some WoodShop activity in there as well. So, my time with my network has taken a sideline.  However, now that I find that my Retirement Community is going over to a different way of doing things, I find myself coming back to the rack for some more experiments.
  • I have changed the configuration of the rack and have removed the switch for the xPod, and removed both of the special purpose Edgerouter-X boxes
  • I added a 24 port 1U keystone panel at the bottom to use for projects in the future
  • I removed the SLATE router from the living room, since I was not using it very much
  • I am first going to start by modifying a test RPi to have two or more namespaces using OpenVSwitch to provide a NAT router function between the NS
    • I will also setup the routing tables to make the two NS get their IPs from different DHCP servers
    • I am also going to setup a set of Docker containers that lie on either side of the NAT router
    • I want to test the idea that normal flow across the NAT is controlled
    • I want to test the setup being done via Ansible
  • I am going to print a rack panel to mount a GS108T and ER-X at the bottom of the rack for future projects