I was able to do some testing last evening with the RPi Thin Client software. I was able to use one of the packages to connect VNC wise to both of the other RPis and to my Mac Mini. It is important that I am able to connect to the Mac Mini because I intend on using some VMs to do special things; like simulate an RPi and develop new image loads. This will be a way that I can compile something that would normally take a long time on an RPi, like the OS.
I did note that the VNC connection assumes that you want to use an SSL tunnel (not necessary in my house). The response on the RPis was pretty good but not fabulous, I assume because of the clock speed on the RPi VNC servers. I was able to link into my Mac Mini after a while, but only after I changed the depth to 24 bits. Before that all I got was crashes of the VNC application.
Again what I did not test on this go around was whether the RDP and X Windows connection would work. I need the RDP for the Windows 7 VM that I can run from my Mac Mini. I need the X Windows connections for those times that I use the Ubuntu VMs on the Mac Mini. I might even decide to move the Mac Mini into the downstairs bedroom - nah, bad idea.