I was able to get several parts in over the last couple of weeks. As shown in this photo, I now have a battery, a new 7 port USB hub, a new RPi, and the new PiFace.
I have plans for later on using the battery, which has both a 1 amp and 2.1 amp output to supply power to a robotic vehicle (using my iCreate robot), specifically the RPi and some servos. The 7 port USB hub can also be used to interface to various pieces of equipment (including a camera) and be controllable via the RPi. The PiFace will be used to interface to the iCreate and some servos so that I can control both movement and the other equipment at the same time. I don't have a picture of the SSC-32 which is a multiple servo controller with a serial interface.
My game plan is to setup a test rig for trying out some Robotics things (which I have been wanting to do for a long time). The test setup looks like the following.
This setup of course assumes that I am not connected to my home network or to an external laptop; which will pretty much happen. Also, I have a bluetooth setup with the iCreate that I could use, sans PiFace to control movement. This of course is TBD.