Sorry for the fuzziness of the photos, it looks like the iPhone 5 didn't get them too sharp and I was using a PicFrame app to couple three photos together. Anyway you can get a sense of what was accomplished. I haven't done any soldering for probably 15 years, so I am a little rusty.
After I powered up the boards (smoke test), I did manage to wipe out the IR distance sensor. Fortunately, the IR distance sensor was not that expensive. It appears that the IR distance sensor was drawing too much current. I also changed back to the Pololu Mini-Maestro but I could not get it to receive commands. It looks like I have a power issue here which needs to be resolved before I go on. I am not sure if I need to add a 5volt regulator on the board to get power from the Vin or not. Have to think about that one.