
Monday, April 22, 2013

Working on controlling the SSC32 from the Raspberry Pi

In light of the problems that I was having with reading the SSC32 pwm values from the Arduino, I thought that I might try and do the same via a serial interface to the RPi.  That is where I ran into difficulty, mostly because I was rather busy this weekend with other things.  I am trying to set up a serial terminal to communicate via a USB to RS232 interface cable to the SSC32 servo controller.  I first tried Screen but couldn't figure out how to get it to work, then I tried minicom.  I guess that I am just going to have to read up on these two programs in order to figure out the baud rate settings and commands.  I will probably try to do the same types of commands via a connection to my laptop.  But, I want to get it working on the RPi so that I can at least say it is part of the solution.  Remember, controlling the SSC32 and Mini-Maestro to move servos was not a problem, finding out the current pwm for a given servo was.