
Monday, July 21, 2014

Just Purchased an RPi B+

I was at the local Micro Center and just happened to see that they had a few of these in for $35.  I just did install the 6-20-2014 version of Raspbian via a Windows build.  There are a number of differences on the board that would cause havoc with some of the things I own.  For instance, since they are using a microSD card and the HDMI port is in a different location, I will not be easily able to use it with my MediaPi case; bummer.  It appears that some of the cables that I have should be able to fit onto the GPIO header, even though it has extra pins.  The I2C pins that were on the B have been moved to the GPIO header, but none of the boards that I own use this connector.  I have to be careful in the future to make sure that whatever boards I buy, that they work with the B+.  I am interested in finding out if the power supply they added is all that it is put up to be, especially on the USB ports.  I haven't heard anyone chime in about loss of Ethernet when the USB dongles draw too much power; but time will tell.  More later.

Update: it looks like the new power supply is able to deliver up to 1.2 amps to the USB hub.  That in itself is a remarkable improvement - bravo!  That means that I will not have to be saddled with an external usb hub when I do my experiments.  Looks like I will need to buy a couple more of these.