
Thursday, July 23, 2015

GTD #1 - Rethinking My Use of Tech for Getting Things Done

This post will seem to be a little off target for what I have posted here before since this is not electronic or networking in nature.  However, since this is my blog I can set my own rules.  I have used the Getting Things Done approach for a number of years, mostly using manual/paper/analog type things to keep track of the mess that is my life.  I have since graduated to an on and off use of ToodleDo and Pocket Informant plus notebooks.  This morning I pulled up Pocket Informant on my iPad only to discover that I had 37 items that were overdue - time to rethink the problem!!  I also discovered a simple "Getting Things Done in 500 Words or Less" post this morning that was outstanding.

I am going to keep using the notebooks that I have always used.  The reason for keeping notes in a notebook is that it slows me down enough to really think about the problem - and as a plus it keeps my handwriting up.  For a while there my chicken scratching was almost unreadable.  This was a far cry from my days as a young engineer in which I had my drafting class lettering fresh in my mind.  That was 40 years ago, this is now and with all of the distractions around me I am having problems keeping concentrating on a single subject for very long.  So this will be my series of discussions on what I am doing to alleviate the issue.