I decided to go ahead and put together a complete setup of software in the Arduino. I have been developing the interfaces to the servos, ir distance sensor, ultrasonic distance sensor, and LCD serial panel. In the course of the changes, I decided to move the read of the ir distance sensor to the Arduino rather than read it through the Maestro. I may end up changing my mind later. So my setup in the IDE looks something like this:
// Pololu Mini-Maestro 18 Serial Servo Controller
// Power 9v Seperate power supply from Arduino
// GND to GND on the Arduino
// SSC RX pin to Arduino TX pin Pin04
// SSC TX pin to Arduino RX pin Pin03
// Channel 0 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Servo
// Channel 2 - Camera Pan Servo
// Channel 4 - Camera Tilt Servo
// Channel 6 - IR Distance Sensor Servo
// GP2D12 IR Distance Sensor
// Power 5v from the Arduino
// GND to GND on the Arduino
// GP2D12 Sensor analog Rx pin to Arduino Analog pin 0
// Parallax 2x16 Serial LCD Panel
// Power 5v from the Arduino
// GND to GND on the Arduino
// LCD Rx pin to Arduino TX pin Pin06
// HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
// Power 5v from the Arduino
// GND to GND on the Arduino
// HC-SR04 Trig to Arduino TX pin Pin13
// HC-SR04 Echo to Arduino RX pin Pin12
This setup ends up forcing a number of pin definitions as so:
// Define constants
// Serial pins
const int tx_ToSSC=4; ///< Tx pin going to SSC
const int rx_ToSSC=3; ///< Rx pin coming from SSC
const int tx_ToLCD=6; ///< Tx pin going to LCD panel
const int rx_FrmLCD=5; ///< Rx pin coming from LCD panel(nc)
// Digital pins
const int digtx_ToUltraTrig=12; ///< Tx pin going to ultrasonic sensor trig
const int digrx_FrmUltraEcho=13; ///< Rx pin coming from ultrasonic sensor echo
// Channels on SSC
const int chan_ultraservo=0; ///< Channel 0 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Servo
const int chan_camerapanservo=2; ///< Channel 2 - Camera Pan Servo
const int chan_cameratiltservo=4; ///< Channel 4 - Camera Tilt Servo
const int chan_irdistservo=6; ///< Channel 6 - IR Distance Sensor Servo
// Analog pins
const int rx_irdistanalog=0; ///< IR Distance Sensor analog Rx
I have gleaned from several sources the code that I need to access each of these items. First up, is my interfaces to the two serial connections needed for the SSC (Maestro) and the LCD panel:
// initalizing serial connections
SoftwareSerial SSC_Serial = SoftwareSerial(rx_ToSSC, tx_ToSSC);
SoftwareSerial LCD_Serial = SoftwareSerial(rx_FrmLCD, tx_ToLCD);
Next up, I have the procedure interface to the SSC that sets a servos pwm value:
// Send a Set servo pwm command to the Maestro.
// Target is in units of quarter microseconds
// so the normal range is 4000 to 8000.
void ssc_cmnd_pwm(unsigned char servo, unsigned int target)
SSC_Serial.write(0xAA); //start byte
SSC_Serial.write(0x0C); //device id
SSC_Serial.write(0x04); //command number
SSC_Serial.write(servo); //servo number
SSC_Serial.write(target & 0x7F);
SSC_Serial.write((target >> 7) & 0x7F);
Next, I have a few routines for writing information out to the LCD panel:
// display two strings on the LCD panel
void lcd_display_2_str(String myvalue1, String myvalue2) {
LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue1); // First line
LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form Feed
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue2); // Second line
// display string and int value on one line, string on second line on the LCD panel
void lcd_display_2_str_int(String myvalue1, int myvalue, String myvalue2) {
LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue1); // First line
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue, DEC);
LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form Feed
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue2); // Second line
// display integer value on the LCD panel
void lcd_display_int_val(int myvalue) {
LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
LCD_Serial.print("val: ");
LCD_Serial.print(myvalue, DEC); // First line
LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form feed
Next, I deal with the gp2d12 ir range detector (along with a test):
Function that reads a value from GP2D12 infrared distance sensor and returns a value in centimeters.
This sensor should be used with a refresh rate of 36ms or greater.
BY: Javier Valencia 2008
float read_gp2d12_range(byte pin)
It can return -1 if something gone wrong.
float read_gp2d12_range(byte pin) {
int tmp;
tmp = analogRead(pin);
if (tmp < 3)
return -1; // invalid value
return (6787.0 /((float)tmp - 3.0)) - 4.0;
void test_irdistance()
float myval;
myval = read_gp2d12_range(rx_irdistanalog);
Serial.print("ir val: ");
// LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
// LCD_Serial.print("ir val: ");
// LCD_Serial.print(myval, DEC); // First line
// LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form feed
Next, I deal with the Ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04):
HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor
VCC to Arduino 5v, GND to Arduino GND
Echo to Arduino pin 13, Trig to Arduino pin 12
more info at: http://goo.gl/kJ8G1
float grab_ultrasonic()
int duration;
float distance;
digitalWrite(digtx_ToUltraTrig, LOW);
digitalWrite(digtx_ToUltraTrig, HIGH);
digitalWrite(digtx_ToUltraTrig, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(digrx_FrmUltraEcho, HIGH);
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
return distance;
void test_ultrasonic()
float mydist;
mydist = grab_ultrasonic();
if (mydist >= 200 || mydist <= 0){
Serial.println("Ultra: Out of range");
// LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
// LCD_Serial.print("Out of range");
// LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form feed
} else {
Serial.print("Ultra: ");
Serial.println(" cm");
// LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
// LCD_Serial.print("Out of range");
// LCD_Serial.print(mydist, DEC);
// LCD_Serial.print(" cm");
// LCD_Serial.write(13); // Form feed
In order to utilize these, I have the following setups:
// run once, when the sketch starts
void setup()
// setup pins for serial interface to SSC
pinMode(rx_ToSSC, INPUT);
digitalWrite(tx_ToSSC, HIGH);
pinMode(tx_ToSSC, OUTPUT);
// set SSC serial interface speed
// setup pins for serial interface to LCD
pinMode(rx_FrmLCD, INPUT);
digitalWrite(tx_ToLCD, HIGH);
pinMode(tx_ToLCD, OUTPUT);
// set LCD serial interface speed
// initial clear and backlight for LCD
LCD_Serial.write(12); // Clear
LCD_Serial.write(17); // Turn backlight on
delay(5); // Required delay for response
// set SSC servos to initial state
// set Ultrasonic Distance Sensor pins
pinMode(digtx_ToUltraTrig, OUTPUT);
pinMode(digrx_FrmUltraEcho, INPUT);
// setup our serial monitor
// wait for settling to happen
Now that I have the initial software coded, I have time to try them out and start to build the interfaces between the Arduino and the sensors/servos. Next up will be results of the testing, followed by dealing with the interface to the RPi.