Connections are in place and now I can settle down to figuring out the software in the Arduino, the breadboard connections for same, and the interface software from the RPi. I still have a number of interfaces that need to be tested:
1. the Ultrasonic Distance sensor needs to be wired up through the breadboard and the interface software needs to be written for the Arduino
2. the IR Distance sensor interface software needs to be written for the Arduino
3. the interface software for the two distance sensor servos needs to be written for the Arduino
4. the interface software for the two camera servos needs to be written for the Arduino
5. a control protocol, including response, needs to be thought up between the RPi and the Arduino and coded on both sides - ultimately this will be used by several Facades in the RPi software
6. a control protocol, including response, needs to be thought up between the RPi and the iRobot Create and coded in the RPi
7. afterwards I can concentrate on more higher level software, including the blackboard.