That's a Ethernet shield on top, because I wasn't sure how I was going to get access to the Arduino from the RPi. Now we know.
This is a blog mostly about techie things, what I am doing to my apartment network on the cheap, IOT, 3D Printing, Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, ESP32, ESP8266, Home Automation, Personal Weather Stations, Things That Go Bump in the Night, and some side issues that need discussing. Remember, sometimes the journey to an end is as much fun as the goal achieved!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Strange things you find out about
When I was at work last week, I talked to one of the other engineers and found out a few things about the Arduino, another single board computer. I found out that there is an IDE that you can use to compile and load new software into the Arduino. What I later found out was that the same IDE could be used to compile and load programs into the similar chip on the Gertboard. So I thought to myself why not start exploring the Arduino and find out some more about it, maybe I can use it in some of my experiments. Today I found out that you can put the Arduino IDE on the RPi as well as connect the Arduino and RPi together. So it looks like I will simplify my life somewhat and offload some of the tasking for watching the servos and distance sensors onto the Arduino. Yep, that's right, I went out and purchased one to use in my experimenters box.
That's a Ethernet shield on top, because I wasn't sure how I was going to get access to the Arduino from the RPi. Now we know.
That's a Ethernet shield on top, because I wasn't sure how I was going to get access to the Arduino from the RPi. Now we know.